This class was great class for developing my English skills because explaining some things what I searched from articles in English and making power point was so difficult for me. But making blog in English was so exciting and fun to me.
First time that I made presentation I couldn't make good power point and speech. Because I didn't have experiences. but I have it now so, I think I became to be better than before. But once, I got influenza and I absent class, I think I 'm so sorry to my group because that day had presentation.
Thank you for your class
Power Up Tutorial

Power Up Tutorial that means PUT is our opportunity to practice our speaking skills with native English teachers.
In PUT, there are four people, three students and one native teacher as a tutor, in each room. We talk all in English along with document which students get from moodle. There are themes in each document about “today’s world” and “language culture”. We all can develop our “speaking”, “writing”, “reading”, “hearing” skills and get skills of thinking, expressing and understanding. So, we can get real communication skills.

I’ll introduce about Misokatsu. Misokatsu is one of the Nagoya foods. Not only eating in Aichi prefecture but also in other prefecture around Aichi prefecture.People usual eat fried pork with sauce. But for Nagoya people, it’s usual to eat fried pork with Miso because Miso is one of famous things in Nagoya.
It was by chance that the first owner of “YAba no Tonkatsu” saw that one person in restaurant ate fried pork with dipping in Doteni’s soup that is the regular food in Aichi. Then he started “Yaba no Tonkatsu” was the first store to serve MIsokatsu in 1947. This store is most famous Misokatsu store as people called “yabaton” now. There are many way to eat Misokatsu. You can eat with putting mustard, red pepper, putting it on rice. So, you can eat how you want. You should eat Misokatsu in “Yabaton”
Thanksgiving Day

In the past time, people thought it was a religeous day. But today, most American people think it is a large-scale dinner party when a lot of relatives and friends gather. On the modern Thanksgiving Day, it is placed as one of the important family events, like Christmas Day.
There is an event called The Turkey Pardon. On the morning of the Thanksgiving Day, the American President performs a fate when two turkeys buchered in the White House.
On this day, people decorate eggs. People color some eggs and decorate their room and house. There are some reasons why people decorate eggs. But usually people think because of eggs are symbol of Life Birth.
The Sagrada Familia

Have you ever heard of Antoni Gaudi? He is a famous person as a designer. He designed The Sagrada Familia. He worked on project from 1882 to 1926 until he died. And most of his documents for sagrada familia were destroyed by Spanish Civil War. But Architects are still working with guesses like how did Gaudi want to make The Sagrada Familia.
Sagrada Familia was planned by “Association of Sun Jose” which is a private catholic group for poor people as an expiation church to give to the holy family. Expiation means to apologize fro anything what the person did.
The Sagrada Familia is not finished making yet. It is scheduled to be completed in 2026. But it is said to be completed around 2256.
You can know more about The Sagrada familia and Antoni Gaudi.
Sagrada Familia was planned by “Association of Sun Jose” which is a private catholic group for poor people as an expiation church to give to the holy family. Expiation means to apologize fro anything what the person did.
The Sagrada Familia is not finished making yet. It is scheduled to be completed in 2026. But it is said to be completed around 2256.
You can know more about The Sagrada familia and Antoni Gaudi.
Universal Studios Japan presentation

we are going to talk about Universal studios Japan. I think you guys know about this theme park. Then we are going to tell you one example to spend time at USJ.
This is an example that if we are going to visit to USJ on this weekend from Nagoya. This is how to go to USJ. First, we take the Shinkansen Nozomi at12:53 and change train at Shin Osaka for Tokaido Sanyo main line which goes Shin Mita and goes to Osaka station , then change train for Osaka Kanjo line. We can get USJ. It takes a hour and 19 minutes.
After that we go to Keihan Universal City Hotel for check in, leave our baggage and get "The Magical Twilight & Day Pass" for enjoy USJ one and half day.
This is an example that if we are going to visit to USJ on this weekend from Nagoya. This is how to go to USJ. First, we take the Shinkansen Nozomi at12:53 and change train at Shin Osaka for Tokaido Sanyo main line which goes Shin Mita and goes to Osaka station , then change train for Osaka Kanjo line. We can get USJ. It takes a hour and 19 minutes.
After that we go to Keihan Universal City Hotel for check in, leave our baggage and get "The Magical Twilight & Day Pass" for enjoy USJ one and half day.
My favorite movies

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
The Actors: Daniel Radcliff, Emma Watson
The Type of Movie: Science-fiction
Date of Release: 16 December 2001, 1 December 2001(Japan)
Writers: J.K. Rowling
The Director: Chris Columbus
Film Company: Warner bros.
Quotation from Movie: “oh, this taste is earwax”
The Setting: set in Hogwarts, a fictional British boarding school for wizards
Recommendation: This movie is first one of Harry potter series. The main character, Harry potter is a not normal person. He is a magician. And his father was great magician, too. He entered Hogwarts what a school for Wizards. Then he knew about “Sorcerer’s Stone” and the worst magician, Lord Voldemort wants to get it for come back his life. Harry tried to get it for stop his desire. For more information check out the Internet Movie Database.
2. Spiderman
The Actors: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst
The Type of Movies: Science-fiction
Date of release: 6 sep 2002, 11 may 2002(Japan)
Writers: Stan lee, Steve Ditko
The Director: Sam Raimi
Film Company: Columbia pictures corporation
Quotation from Movie: Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man
Runtime: 121min
Recommendation: This is the first one of spider-msn series. Nerdy, shy, and awkward guy got bitten by a genetically modified spider. And then he will get a special power and skill. He used that skill for him first but he thought that skill is for helping people. Then he was trying to help people. But Green goblin, Norman Osborn who is evil. Spider-msn was fighting with him for stop him and help people. For more information check out the Internet Movie Datebase.

The Actors: Daniel Radcliff, Emma Watson
The Type of Movie: Science-fiction
Date of Release: 16 December 2001, 1 December 2001(Japan)
Writers: J.K. Rowling
The Director: Chris Columbus
Film Company: Warner bros.
Quotation from Movie: “oh, this taste is earwax”
The Setting: set in Hogwarts, a fictional British boarding school for wizards
Recommendation: This movie is first one of Harry potter series. The main character, Harry potter is a not normal person. He is a magician. And his father was great magician, too. He entered Hogwarts what a school for Wizards. Then he knew about “Sorcerer’s Stone” and the worst magician, Lord Voldemort wants to get it for come back his life. Harry tried to get it for stop his desire. For more information check out the Internet Movie Database.

The Actors: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst
The Type of Movies: Science-fiction
Date of release: 6 sep 2002, 11 may 2002(Japan)
Writers: Stan lee, Steve Ditko
The Director: Sam Raimi
Film Company: Columbia pictures corporation
Quotation from Movie: Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man
Runtime: 121min
Recommendation: This is the first one of spider-msn series. Nerdy, shy, and awkward guy got bitten by a genetically modified spider. And then he will get a special power and skill. He used that skill for him first but he thought that skill is for helping people. Then he was trying to help people. But Green goblin, Norman Osborn who is evil. Spider-msn was fighting with him for stop him and help people. For more information check out the Internet Movie Datebase.

The Main Actor: 小栗旬(Oguri Shun)
The Type of Movies: Action, Fiction
Date of Release: 11 Apr 2009
Writers: 高橋ヒロシ(Takahashi Hiroshi)
The Director: 三池崇史(Miike Takashi)
Film Company: 東宝(Toho)
Quotation from Movie: 男は素手だろ!!(Man should fight with your arm!!)
Runtime: 130min
Recommendation: This movie is about one kind of school. There are a lot of students who are very bad. Then they will fight for their own pride and show their power with other school students. Ceck this official homepage.
Date of Release: 11 Apr 2009
Writers: 高橋ヒロシ(Takahashi Hiroshi)
The Director: 三池崇史(Miike Takashi)
Film Company: 東宝(Toho)
Quotation from Movie: 男は素手だろ!!(Man should fight with your arm!!)
Runtime: 130min
Recommendation: This movie is about one kind of school. There are a lot of students who are very bad. Then they will fight for their own pride and show their power with other school students. Ceck this official homepage.
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